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Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!
Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!

It's Franchise "Buying" not "Selling"

Recently, we came across this video from the Franchise Performance Group on how we need to think about franchise lead generation from the perspective of franchise “buying” rather than the usual tactics of franchise “sales.” We hope you enjoy:

For the entire article, check out the Franchise Performance Group blog.

How and When to Gracefully Retire

Retiring as a small business owner can be a complex and oft emotional process. Transitioning away from a company that you have dedicated your time, money, and self to building is a major life change–one that comes as a relief to some, but may feel like a loss to others. Navigating such bittersweet departures gracefully will pose unique challenges, both logistically, interpersonally, and mentally. With careful planning and consideration, you can retire on your own terms and ensure that your business continues to thrive even in your absence.

How Franchisors Can Turn Content Creation Into Lead Generation, Part 3

If you want your content to help prospective franchisees start to both see and feel themselves in your business, then setting a baseline will be important for iterating down the road.

WEBINAR: Things to Consider When Designing Your Franchise's Website

In this webinar, FranchiseHelp's Eli Robinson discusses how you should think about what your franchise's website should look like. This is how we achieve Step Two of online franchise lead generation: Turning Visitors into Leads.