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Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!
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How Does the Holiday Season Affect Interest in Franchising

It’s the middle of November, so that means that FranchiseHelp is continually getting one of my favorite inquiries: How do the holidays affect franchise lead gen?

I want to keep this short and sweet, so here’s my brief explanation…they don’t. And here’s my evidence.

Here’s a graph of what organic traffic looks like on FranchiseHelp from November 15th 2014 – January 4th 2015:

FranchiseHelp Organic Visits Holiday Season 2014

As you see, there is a slight dip in traffic on Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve, but it’s not that significant. December’s traffic is slightly lower (~15%), but it’s certainly too strong too strong to say that interest goes down in any meaningful way.

It’s possible that lead sources such as brokers take a dive around the holidays, but this is because you’re relying on another person to bring you franchisees. With a site like FranchiseHelp, the leads are coming to you!

Based on what we can tell, the drop in franchise interest around the holidays comes from franchises focusing their efforts on the next year rather than the market of potential franchisees actually being less interested.

January is Definitely “Open a Franchise” Month

As the calendar turns to 2015, everyone around the world is working on their new years’ resolutions. Some of the more popular ones for personal lives are always about sending more time with your family, eating healthier, or going to the gym more frequently.

Upon Seeing a BellSouth.Net Email Address

Not only does everyone have an account, but it seems that many people’s primary form of communication has also become email. A new form of communication only 20 years ago, it has blown past every other form of communication, especially telephone calls, in a way that few could’ve predicted.

CRISIS: Transitions of Leadership During Times of Crisis

As a business owner, it is natural to feel a sense of responsibility and ownership over your company. However, life events such as illness, injury, loss of a loved one, trauma, or other unforeseen circumstances can sometimes require taking extended leave from work. While it may be difficult to relinquish control, it is important to have a plan in place for delegating tasks and transitioning power to ensure that your business can continue to run smoothly during your absence. Here are some tips on how to effectively delegate and handle transitions of power as a business owner facing a life event that requires extended leave from work.