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Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!
Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!

It's Franchise "Buying" not "Selling"

Recently, we came across this video from the Franchise Performance Group on how we need to think about franchise lead generation from the perspective of franchise “buying” rather than the usual tactics of franchise “sales.” We hope you enjoy:

For the entire article, check out the Franchise Performance Group blog.

Why franchises hate the Dallas Cowboys

Now that I asked that, let me clarify. I’m sure there are plenty of franchises headquartered in Texas for whom their employees love the Cowboys. (They were America’s team in the 90s after all!)

How to Think About Your Phone’s Keyboard for Mobile Forms

When we speak about conversion rate on our webpages, we usually speak about the little things. Some of those can be found here:

Industry Supplier Spotlight: 3 Questions With FranchiseChatter (+ Crystal Ball Predictions!)

2020 has been a year of changing, adapting and learning for everyone in franchising. What are some lessons FranchiseChatter took away from the last six months?