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Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!
Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!

Which messages appeal most to potential franchisees?

It depends, obviously!

What? You thought that the answer to this question would be straightforward? Unfortunately no.

That being said, there are lots of franchises out there that don’t have a nuanced understanding of what types of messaging works.

When you visit their website, you see a single message that tries to hammer home a single point to every single person that visits.

The fact of the matter is that every single potential franchisee needs to be messaged to in a different way.

Later in the sales process, you’ll solve this problem by dedicating a specific sales person to speak with them directly. However, at this point in the process, you’ll have to settle for trying a number of different messages and seeing which ones work for your brand.

At the highest level, we think about different messages in 8 different categories:

Wow. That’s a lot. So what’s next? How do figure out which types of messages work for your franchise.

Split testing! Duh!

Get a lot of different messages out there and see what sticks!

Have a question about messaging? Shoot us a note here.

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