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Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!
Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!

What Does a Franchise Search Look Like

People often start off their search for franchises and aren't really sure what they want. They might know a facet of what they want, but they're not certain about everything they need to look into or think about. I thought it might be helpful for anyone interested in opening a franchise to get an idea of what everyone else is looking for. How the typical search goes before they connect with a franchise. What type of franchises people are typically looking for. And the most common reasons why people want to open a franchise.

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What is a Franchise?

Most of you are probably already familiar with franchises. You may even patronize a variety of franchised businesses without realising that they are franchises. These businesses range from car servicing and financial services to yogurt and home repairs. According to the International Franchise Association(IFA) franchises employed nearly 9,000,000 Americans in 2015 and generated nearly $880 billion. Franchising is difficult to escape.

Franchisor-Franchisee Independence and Joint Liability, Redux

In the Tilted Kilt case, the franchisor allegedly published an “employee handbook” for franchisees to distribute to their staff, and exerted significant control over the operation of the franchised outlet in question. If true, these are two factors that typically weigh in favor of finding the franchisor to be a “joint employer” with its franchisee, thereby potentially subjecting it to liability for the alleged harassment.

Built To Last: Essential Franchise Businesses You Can Open Right Now

Here are two words entrepreneurs will never think about the same way again. Essential business. Here are several franchises that are built to last and worth investing in this year!