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Dyslexia Institutes of America

Dyslexia Institutes of America Franchise

The Dyslexia Institutes of America program is the result of seven years of cutting edge research in the successful treatment of dyslexia. Qualified investors for this invaluable franchise service can enjoy the financial and personal rewards of helping children and adults improve their lives through proven dyslexic therapies. Each Clinic has an office with a director, either full or part time, who is a certified teacher. These Clinics will interview and test new clients, and administer and monitor their ongoing treatments.

Facts & Figures

Liquid capital required
$40,000 - $60,000


The Dyslexia Clinic is the successful result of seven and a half years of benefits of our expertise! You do not need highly specialized training and are not required to diagnose or prescribe treatment for your clients. Each Clinic simply have on staff a director, either full or part time who is a certified teacher. perferably with experience in Special Education. As your service provider, we will prepare all client assessment results and therapy prescriptions for you. Your clinic will interview and test new clients, and administer and monitor their ongoing treatments.


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