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Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!
Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!

In A Time Where Every Choice Seems Wrong, Here's How We Can Approach Problem Solving.

In the face of craziness and uncertainty, it is inevitable that we begin to struggle with decisions that we never thought we’d have to make. With all sorts of possibilities about how our current situation could evolve, it is so important to pull back and re-evaluate our choices. We’ve had our fair share of difficult choices to make - here’s a few tips we’ve found success with.

Taking things one step at a time

It can be extremely overwhelming to tackle a problem when it seems like everything is breaking down all at once. Whenever you find yourself struggling to make sense of your situation, it is a good time to regroup with your team and set milestones for ongoing projects. Just like Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs manifesting in our individual lives, the same principles apply when we’re figuring out how to solve problems in our businesses.

I like to use the Eisenhower Matrix when deciding on what to do next -

The Eisenhower Matrix allows us to effectively categorise the tasks we have on hand.

Start with the more immediate and pressing problems - what are issues that are important and urgent? Once we’ve gotten the very basics out of the way, then we can start thinking about long term plans for our businesses. 

Celebrating the small wins with your team

As much as we are constantly surrounded by things that are disheartening, it is so important to keep ourselves reminded of why we do what we do! Make it a point to take stock of progress every now and then and celebrate it with the team. It could be as simple as having a good phone call with a lead, or on some days, just the fact that you made it through the day.

Positioning yourself for the economic recovery

Though everything seems so uncertain now, one thing is for sure - that better days are headed our way and they will come. Just like how we’re all making plans to meet our friends when the virus-free days come, it is important that we make these plans for our businesses as well.

If your business has the bandwidth to do so - consider keeping your pipelines filled with potential franchisees. We all know that it takes quite a bit of time before someone fully moves from being a lead to a franchisee, and now that most people have a bit more free time on hand, it is a good time to start chatting with people about your business model and opening a franchise.


The decisions we have to make over the next few weeks will decide the fate of many businesses. We understand that these choices are pretty difficult - and as such, if you need to chat with someone, please feel free to reach out to us! The FranchiseHelp team is always happy to connect. Stay safe!

Abigail Chloe Chew is the Digital Marketing and Accounts Specialist at FranchiseHelp. She spends most of her free time doing all sorts of stuff in the “Not Important - Not Urgent” matrix. 

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