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What Day of the Week Should You Send Franchise Email?

Last week, I published a post that was a follow-up on email send times entitled "We Changed Our Email Send Times, Again – Five Graphs That Tell the Whole Story." You can find that article here and the original article we wrote on email send times here.

Days of the Week

Anyway, on the heels of that post, we received an email from one of our readers. Here’s what it said:

" Hi,

I liked the research you provided on open and CTRs for email opens.

Can you find out if any studies have been done with day of the week?

Thank you. "

Well, as we’ve always said, the goal of the lead generation resource center is to provide as much useful information to franchises that we possibly can. On that note, the answer to this franchise’s question was “no”, until now.

For the purposes of this analysis, I took a look at the last almost four years of FranchiseHelp emails. (When you’re trying to tease out something like day of the week bias, it’s important to use an outrageously large sample size to ensure that you tease out anything else that may affect the data.) For those wondering, that’s 160 million email sends.

Here is the breakdown of open rate by day of the week:

FranchiseHelp Open Rates By Day of Week 2011-2016

Here is the breakdown of click rate by day of the week:

FranchiseHelp Click Rates By Day of Week 2011-2016

And here is the breakdown of click-through rate by day of the week:

FranchiseHelp Click-Through Rates By Day of Week 2011-2016

As you see, Monday leads all days in all three categories. I’ve gone ahead and indexed Monday’s statistics to 100 to show you what kind of drop-off we see for the other days:

Day of The WeekOpen Rate IndexClick Rate IndexCTR Index

Based on what we can see here it seems that after Monday, the best day to send email is almost certainly Sunday. After that, however, the signals get a little murky. (Can you imagine that? Murky signals over 160 million pieces of data!)

The only other point I can say confidently is that Friday is the worst day of the week to send email. It shows the lowest performance on all three of the key metrics we analyzed here.

If you have a question about franchise lead generation that you think we can help answer, let us know.

If you’re interested in learning more about FranchiseHelp’s lead generation programs for franchises, click here.

I’ve written six posts about franchising on LinkedIn. Here are my early reactions:

I’ve done my best to publish a variety of topics, so as to see the effects of different topics on engagement.

Don’t Click on My Ad! The Paradox of Free Branding

Text ads in LinkedIn appear in a few different places; at the top of the page or on the right rail. Even though they are far less likely to be clicked than sponsored posts, the payment and ad serving mechanism is the same for both ad types. You choose a bid per click and you pay that bid every time a user clicks on one of your ads. The frequency with which your ad is shown is based on the value of your bid relative to bids of other advertisers targeting the same audience.

I Sent 25,783,700 franchise emails in 2014. Here’s What I Learned.

I’ll come clean. When I took over FranchiseHelp’s email marketing efforts at the beginning of last year, I would’ve never imagined sending over 25 million emails in a year.