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What FranchiseHelp is (and is not) - Lead Generation

Well, it’s kinda in the name...
We thought it would be a good time to revisit what FranchiseHelp does - which is in the name. We help franchisees find franchises that they want to invest in, and we help franchisors who want to expand their business find potential franchisees - (wow, that’s a lot of franchise-terms in a sentence.)
Essentially, we try to match franchisees and franchisors to help franchises grow and expand. (P.s. we do it in a really smart way.)
So… What exactly do we do?
You, as a franchisor, tell us what kind of franchisees you want to look for, what restrictions and requirements you have, and other information about your brand. And the same thing for users who submit leads - they tell us what resources they have, what industries they’re interested in and what exactly they’re looking for. We’ll return the users a list of franchises that is suitable for them, and then they select brands they’re interested in - also known as leads that we send to franchisors.
And how are you guys different from every other business out there that does this?
We couldn’t be happier to share - here are some of the things that make us different from everyone else.
Quality of leads
Did I mention all our leads are phone verified? Our lead flow gives users a few ways to verify that the phone number they provided is the correct working number where they can be reached. Leads share their contact details with us and indicate their interest not just in franchising - but specifically in your brand. This ensures that all your leads are interested in your brand, and match your requirements.
Scale of leads
The more leads you purchase, the lower the cost per lead - because we’re able to generate leads at a larger scale without compromising on the quality of leads. Yep, we’re that good.
Matching leads to franchises that fit their requirements
Franchising portals tend to allow users to browse through their catalogue of brands, pick franchises that appeal to them and request for information - which is translated as lead information passed on to the franchisors. The main difference for us? We guide users to look at brands that fit their criteria so that franchisors get information that is actually valuable to them.
Based on the quiz results that users filled out, we’ll suggest franchises to users who fit the requirements. Users can then select franchises out of our proposed brands, and this saves you so much time from filtering through tons of leads wondering if they fit the requirements of your brand - we’ve already narrowed down the search to help you find the one.
Bang for your buck
With our system in place, this would mean that you’ll only receive leads that are suitable for the needs of your franchise. You won’t end up spending a ton of money for leads that don’t even fit the basic requirements such as liquid capital and state restrictions.
More importantly, because everything has been programmed into our system, we save so much time. We’re the first in the franchising space to use technology to make our jobs easier. Technology has allowed us to automate everything - confirming leads’ correct contact details with phone verification, matching their interest with your requirements, generating suggested franchises for leads and so on. Automation means we don’t have to do all these things manually which helps save us so much time and labour - and these cost savings are passed on to you when you purchase leads from us.
Supporting you beyond lead generation
Apart from generating leads for your business, we have a whole suite of programmes that are designed to help you find success in franchising.
Not only do we sell leads, but we also provide custom digital marketing services for your brand, FranFunnel automation software, lead follow-up and qualification services, and email and SMS blasts. Expert consulting services are available to all our clients.
Next time we’ll go into detail on our follow up processes - Lead Qualification and FranFunnel.
We're putting together a series to talk all about what we do at FranchiseHelp.
EP 1. Lead Generation
EP 2. Lead Qualification and FranFunnel
EP 3. FranchiseHelp and the Consultant Lead Market
EP 4. Custom PPC
Abigail Chloe Chew is the Digital Marketing and Accounts Specialist at FranchiseHelp. She thinks FranchiseHelp is smart, and so should you.
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