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18 Perfect Businesses for The Modern Day Man
Given all the reactions to's Top 20 Franchises All Women Should Know article, our male readers were beginning to feel a little left out. So here at Franchise Help we ran a little informal poll to determine not only which franchises are best for men in general, but also which franchises best match certain "stereotypical" modern male personality types. Accordingly, we've organized this "Top Franchise Opportunities for Men" breakdown into five categories: The Deal Maker, The GQ Gentleman, The Health and Fitness Buff, The Sensitive Type, and The Man's Man. Which group do you fit?
The Deal Maker
This man has a knack for business and is all about the dollar signs. With Blackberry in hand, this type of man wants to own a business that serves other professionals, while leaving him ample opportunity to throw his would-be competition down the stairs (figuratively, of course). Bring on the suits!

Murphy Business Brokers
With over 130 franchisees across the US and Canada, Murphy Business Brokers specialize in the valuation and sale of businesses for their clients. The deal maker will love this franchise because he'll be in constant communication with parties looking to buy and sell businesses, brokering the deals to fruition. As a Murphy Business Broker franchisee, you will be running your own business helping people find the perfect business opportunity for themselves, doing your part to stimulate economic growth and matching people with the business (or buyer) of their dreams. As the baby boomer generation starts to step away from their current careers, there will be even greater opportunity to both buy and sell businesses. Many retirees will be looking to purchase a new venture, while others will be looking to sell theirs and retire to lazy days on the marina. Whether you're an up-and-comer or a silver-haired baby boomer deal maker, perhaps owning a business brokerage is something to consider.
Listo Tax Solutions
This tax service franchise brings quality, sophisticated accounting and tax preparation services to working individuals, with particular expertise in serving the rapidly expanding (and increasingly affluent) Hispanic community. In keeping with this focused strategy, Listo Tax Solutions franchisees typically operate within geographic regions that feature high concentrations of their target Hispanic population. While a background in accounting or tax prep never hurts, it's not mandatory for ownership of this franchise, nor is knowledge of the Spanish language -- franchisees can simply hire a Spanish-speaking employee to be on the floor and go through the required training. The Spanish-speaking market is growing ever larger, and the modern deal maker knows how to capitalize on an opportunity when he sees it.
The Growth Coach
This business coaching franchise is great for the businessman who has weathered the corporate storms before and is ready to help others get their business to the next level. A business coaching venture is particularly well- suited for the frequent flying, Blackberry-toting, swashbuckling executive who craves the excitement of running their own business but doesn't want the hassle of a brick and mortar franchise, as The Growth Coach Founder and President Daniel Murphy explains in his interview with Franchise Help. Most important, this business coaching franchise has created better, more rewarding careers (and lives) for both its franchisees and the people whom its franchisees serve -- today's small business owner. The Growth Coach has comprehensive training for franchisees, including their proprietary "strategic mindset" approach. For the modern businessman looking to break out of corporate America by putting their skills to use in their own venture, business coaching can be quite a profitable calling.
Interface Financial Group
Helping top businesses manage their cashflow is what Interface Financial Group (IFG) does best. Whether businesses need to raise capital, make payroll, or expand operations, Interface Financial is there to serve their financial needs. Branding themselves as "the ultimate professional franchise," this opportunity is backed by 38 years of experience in the industry. The true deal maker will want to get into the nitty gritty of this concept right away: Interface Financial Group franchisees buy assets — they do not lend money. Specifically, franchisees purchase from their business clients account receivables (invoices) at a discount to their face (full) value, and then hold those receivables until payment (typically around 40 days from purchase). At the end of the credit period, the IFG franchisee receives payment of 100% of the face value of the invoice. The difference between the discounted price paid up front and the full payment received at the end determines the franchisee’s revenue. As a result, the Interface Financial Group franchisee is able to lock in a tidy profit in exchange for providing their client with much-needed liquidity. As any experienced deal maker knows, anyone can make a lucky trade or two, but structuring consistently profitable relationships requires a rock- solid system. Leaning on 300+ years of combined financial experience, The Interface Financial Group team provides its franchisees with the highly specific training, tools, and ongoing support they need to systematically identify, value, and purchase account receivables that will deliver maximum profit at minimum risk over the long term.
The GQ Gentleman
This guy knows all about looking good and the many intricacies of being a 21st century man. The business opportunities that attract him are those which allow him to profit handsomely while also giving his clients a well-deserved taste of the good life.

Faces 365
Faces 365 Franchises marries the luxury retail spa concept with a turn key operation. This full service spa with its advanced skin care operation is perfect for the man who likes to take care of himself and others. Faces 365 franchisees offer their clients waxing, skin care, facials and even home treatment programs. The spa creates a relaxing ambiance in a trendy environment that today's GQ gentleman would be proud to own. Sales of anti- aging products are seeing double digit growth and men are beginning to account for nearly 30% of all spa sales. With an estimated $7 billion spent on skincare products in the United States annually, Faces 365 makes for a great way to infiltrate this market.
Evolution Hair Centers
There are few things more fulfilling than providing a service that gives other men more confidence. Evolution Hair Centers help men keep and even regrow their thinning hair, making them feel more youthful and more confident in their appearance. Armed with this franchise's potent treatments, low-level laser therapy technology, and proprietary organic ingredients, the GQ type will take pride in holding the secret to helping people look their best -- with a full head of hair. Over 80 million people in the US suffer from hair loss and since the FDA has approved the use of low-level laser therapy for hair regrowth the industry has taken off. Increasingly, female clientele are also seeking long-term solutions to hair loss, expanding the potential addressable market even further. Not every man can have a famous coif like JFK Jr., but Evolution Hair Centers franchisees know that simply restoring a man's natural locks can mean a world of difference.
Esio Beverage Systems
These unique beverage systems combine clean, fresh water with specialized flavor mixes. These mixes enable the Esio to produce top-quality coffees, fresh fruit juices, and gourmet flavored teas, among other selections, with each beverage weighing in at 5 calories or less. These trendy drink choices and calorie conscious beverages make for a great business in any GQ man's portfolio. This franchise business has a recurring revenue stream and is ecologically responsible. Rent these beverage systems to your clients and you will be in the water business without having the expensive overhead of owning a plant facility. Esio President Lyle Myers explains, “We developed the Esio Beverage System to provide the consumer with a fast, easy, convenient, and green way to get all of their non-carbonated beverages. There really is no other beverage system on the market today that provides both hot and cold beverages at the touch of a button."
18/8 Fine Men's Hair Salons
This is not your ordinary barber shop: 18/8 takes the upscale hair salon concept and applies it to a GQ man's world. Facials, massages, cuts, colorings and scalp treatments are all available at 18/8 Fine Men's Hair Salons. The approach is clearly working, with discerning men paying over $44 per visit -- more than double the average barber shop. Now, after 10 years in business, 18/8 Fine Men's Hair Salons is ready to expand, and the system is currently seeking franchisees who have what it takes to give modern men the environment they deserve. As society moves towards a more complex, well- groomed man, quality styles, precision color treatments, and other aesthetic procedures need to be delivered in an environment that truly suits the modern guy. As the 18/8 founders explain, before their modern men's hair salon emerged, "For a quality style, men have no choice but to choose a 'fem' salon." Thanks to a few good GQ men, that has changed forever.
The Health and Fitness Buff
These guys are obsessed with living healthy and keeping in tip-top shape. The health and fitness buff is all about creating an active, heart-pumping lifestyle for himself and his clientele that will lead them all to long, healthy lives (bronzer optional).

Snap Fitness
Every gym rat has thought at one time or another that their ideal business would be to own a gym. Why start from scratch when you can be trained to run an already-proven system? This Minneapolis based franchise also made an appearance on our 20 Franchises All Women Entrepreneurs Should Know because of their clean, no- frills facilities housing all the modern exercise equipment a person could need for a great workout — without the crazy wallet-busting costs that the bigger health clubs like to pass on to their members. "I looked at other concepts … but Snap’s business model sold me. I’ve achieved great success by following the game plan laid out for me. The whole package works!" -- Stewart Haywood, Snap Fitness franchisee, Texas So slam down that protein shake and put away the weights for a second. It's time to check out the franchise details on Snap Fitness.
Zoom Room Dog Agility Training
Not only does man have to get his fitness on, but so does man's best friend. Yes, you heard right, dogs need to worry about their fitness, too. Zoom Room Dog Agility Training holds open gym sessions for dogs and owners, as well as puppy training, dog tricks, obedience and training for therapy and rescue dogs. These canines will be sure to get a good workout with a health and fitness nut at the helm. Can you think of a more fun, healthy lifestyle? The Zoom Room franchise was created by Jaime Van Wye (who had previously founded Rover Kennels, which attracted a fanatical following from such stars as Tyra Banks, Kelly Clarkson and Tom Cruise). Now, we would never recommend getting your cardio by pulling a Tom Cruise and jumping all over some talk-show couch, but as a Zoom Room Dog Agility Training franchisee, you'll be helping some happy pooches build up at least as much endurance and vertical leap as Hollywood's favorite freak.
Krystal Klear Water
The Krystal Klear Water franchise specializes in providing clean, mineral-rich drinking water to their customers through specialized water filtration systems. Franchisees provide water contamination testing, preventive maintenance, and in-home, naturally purified water. The health and fitness nut will love this franchise because Krystal Klear's water systems have less pollutants than the competition. The systems are also low maintenance and do not add salt to the water like other water softening systems. This residential water filtration supplier targets an annual market size of approximately $2.6 billion, with sales growth projected to grow at rates of 6-8% per year. Sounds like the same amount some gym rats spend at GNC each month.
Bouari Clinic
Bouari Clinic is a weight loss franchise that provides its clients with a proprietary system to drive healthy body type recomposition. Bouari clients experience rapid fat loss while preserving their lean muscle -- all without surgery, diet pills, or packaged foods. Any health and fitness enthusiast would get excited about helping people lose weight in a safe and life-transforming way, and with over 25,000 customers successfully treated since 1997, Bouari Clinic provides a path for the gym rat to do just that while pumping up his bottom line .
The Sensitive Type
This male business owner is in touch with his inner self and realizes what is most important in life. The sensitive type will go out of his way to help others while creating a sustainable business that serves the greater good. Clearance sale on incense!

groOrganic franchisees help people and businesses grow their own healthy, sustainable food in backyards and courtyards in cities and suburbs all over the United States. These wellness-conscious business owners maintain eye- catching organic gardens that are custom-designed for their clients' local climate and aesthetic requirements. groOrganic has been featured on NBC’s popular television show The Biggest Loser and has received lots of great press and celebrity attention for being a major catalyst of the country's organic gardening movement. Clearly, groOrganic owners are benefiting greatly from the green movement and the population's shift towards organic foods and sustainable lifestyles. At the cutting edge of an exploding market, it's no wonder this modern franchise is experiencing such high levels of interest from investors and clients alike.
@Home HealthCare
The 21st century man knows there is nothing more important than giving back to our elder generation. As a business owner in an @Home HealthCare franchise, you will be responsible for the care of elders where they feel most comfortable -- in the privacy of their own home. In fact, 89% of the elderly indicate they would rather live at home than anywhere else. A live-in senior care giver stays with their client 24 hours per day, delivering expert care precisely when and how it's most needed. The @Home HealthCare franchisee doesn't actually deliver this care personally, but rather serves as a care coordinator, meeting with clients and their families to design the precise set of services to be delivered. With baby boomers beginning to enter their golden years, the Senior Care Services market is set to expand dramatically. @Home HealthCare presents a franchise model that lets the sensitive type do good for his community while also doing well by his family's bank account.
The Man's Man
This rough-and-tumble franchisee likes to get his hands dirty, may enjoy the outdoors, and embodies everything it means to be a man. Many of these franchisees select business opportunities that would make an average mama's boy shudder in his capri pants.

Express Oil Change
Express Oil Change and Service Centers provide auto mechanic services, oil changes, brakes, safety checks, air conditioning, diagnostics and more. Express Oil Change only builds in prime locations, which are chosen for their high traffic volumes and population patterns. The system appears to be working smoother than a freshly buffed spoiler: in 2008, 97% of franchisees said they'd recommend the automotive franchise opportunity to a friend. While getting under the hood may be at the core of a man's testosterone-driven list of things to do, many Express Oil Change franchisees have no auto mechanic experience at all. The franchisor will work with you to find the right situation for your opportunity. “What attracted me to develop an Express Oil Change franchise, in addition to my dealership, is the convenience it provides to the customer. Given that most households have two working adults, they need quick service, and with the 10-minute Express Oil Change, they don’t even have to get out of their car." - Larry Puckett of Larry Puckett Chevrolet, Prattville, AL
Mike's Master Mechanics
Every red-blooded man likes a company with the slogan "a mechanic you can trust". This company has beliefs rooted in business integrity and the fundamental desire to deliver 100% customer satisfaction. They even have a "no jerks allowed" policy that sends would-be punks packing. With so many mechanic shops leaving their customers unhappy, Mike's Master Mechanics quickly eats up marketshare in the geographic locations they enter. The automotive repair market is estimated at over $150 billion, and in the down economy people are much quicker to make an investment in their vehicles to ensure its longevity. The "man's man" clearly knows a good investment when he sees one.
V's Barbershop
This nostalgic barber shop franchise has been recreating the old school, real men's barbershop feel for over a decade. Our interview with the Director of Franchise Development (and social media rainmaker) at V’s Barber Shop, Greg George, reveals exactly how they do it: V's offers haircuts, old- fashioned straight-razor shaves, facials, and complimentary shoe shines in a masculine atmosphere that feels like the neighborhood shop your dad took you to on Saturdays long ago. But don't take their word for it: "Consider an afternoon at V's…the new American barbershop—still a place to get your mop chopped and jaw about sports, but updated with higher-end services and all the comforts of a great sports bar or an exclusive men's club." - Men's Journal As founder Jim Valenzuela likes to say: "It's a guy thing" at V's Barbershop.
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