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5 Profitable Franchises for 2015

Searching for a franchise? As you consider becoming an entrepreneur, profitability definitely needs to be one of the criterion you explore deeply. It may seem obvious, but it turns out that often times, prospective franchisees simply follow their passion in lieu of actually considering the economics of franchise ownership.

A franchise you invest in needs to make economic sense

For example, we met with a prospective franchisee recently who was completely obsessed with opening his own Taco Bell franchise. When I asked him why he thought that he would make a good Taco Bell franchisee, he jokingly responded, “Yo quiero Taco Bell” (a reference to their old marketing campaign).

The point is that he was so blinded by his desire to open one particular franchise, that he had no idea about anything other than the brand name.

So without further ado, we present five of our (favorite) potentially profitable franchises for 2015:

  1. Dickey’s Barbecue Pit – It’s one thing for a restaurant to tell you how profitable they are. For the most part they’re referring to the margins that can be made from their dine-in or take-out offerings. Well Dickey’s actually has 5 different ways to make money. To go along with dine-in and take-out, they also have retail items, catering, and special holiday meals. While the restaurant business can be a risky proposition, Dickey’s allows you to diversify how the money comes in, thus allaying some of that risk.
  2. Earthwise Pet Supply – It turns out that pet owners spend a lot of money on their pets. A LOT OF MONEY! And Earthwise is a pet supply store that can take advantage of that fact. By marrying the pet supply world with an organic spin, they’re able to be incredibly popular with customers. Franchising since 2008, Earthwise owners can really take advantage of this relatively young franchise.
  3. Fresh U – Relatively new to the franchisor world, Fresh U is a new technologically-driven healthy restaurant based out of Hoboken, New Jersey. Matt Rodrigue, the owner of Fresh U, keeps in close contact with us, and he continues to tell us that healthy food restaurants are very profitable. As Americans alter their diets to focus more on food that is better for them, they are often willing to pay a higher price. $7 smoothies would have been unthinkable 5 years ago, yet now they are here!
  4. Hobby Quest – Hobby Quest is a children’s educational franchise that is on our profitable list because of how quickly you can expect a good ROI on your investment. As a home-based franchise, there’s not a lot of pressure to recoup large startup costs. As soon as the revenue starts rolling in, the profit should as well. Never underestimate any business with low overhead, and Hobby Quest is particularly suited to take advantage!
  5. Real Property Management – There’s a lot of money in real estate, and owners are constantly looking for competent property managers. Some real estate owners will pay lots and lots for the ability to not have to think too much about their investment. That’s where you come in. By managing properties, you can gain access to some of the steadiest cash flows in the U.S., rents. As long as the owners are seeing their rent roll in consistently, you’ll keep seeing paychecks as well. What a deal!

If you’re interested in any of the franchises above, click on their name to be taken to a more detailed look at the requirements for opening a location.

But she's doing it: Can franchisors treat franchisees differently?

So, what do you do, then, when your fellow franchisees start using rougher towels, or take the milkshake off of the menu? Now all of a sudden some of the inherent value in your franchise is gone. Your hotel chain is seen as declining in value, and out-of-towners stay away because they think that you, too, have taken their favorite milkshake off of the menu.

Getting into Baby Boomers Wallets

Savvy businesses have been marketing to the Boomer generation for years. But interest is accelerating now that Boomers are approaching their 60s. In this day and age, no business can afford to ignore the economic realities of this phenomenon, with one in three adults currently at least the age of 50. The target audience for these marketing schemes should be adults aged 54 to 64. They have the deepest pockets, with an estimated average net worth of $210,000 -- higher than any other age group.

Making A Difference In Your Community - Rainbow International®

Picture this - serving the needs of your community, while being able to run a business? Seems like a pretty good deal! One of the franchises that offers this is Rainbow International® - a post-disaster restoration service franchise for water damage, smoke, fire, and mold in homes.