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How Fran Dev Teams Can Become Hyper Efficient In Their Prospecting Efforts

Time is the only resource we never get back.
And in franchise sales, you should only spend that valuable resource with candidates that you have a real chance of closing.
It’s not unlike the human resources world. Once a job is posted, hiring managers and recruiters can receive dozens if not hundreds of resumes. Maybe thousands, if that company offers free beer as a perk.
That’s why hiring managers have no choice but to disqualify early and often. It’s a huge savings in time, money and stress.
The same process applies to salespeople. If you don’t measure twice and cut once, assuring that your candidates are qualified to own a franchise from the get go, you will run out of time before you’re able to close deals.
Rob, one of our clients who’s spent his entire career in franchising, has learned how to be hyper efficient in his prospecting efforts. He was telling us how there’s not enough time in the day to track down and jump on the phone with every lead that comes in, so he depends on a strong filtering system:
“Before I'm really going to talk to a potential candidate, they have to fill out a lot of information, check a lot of boxes and offer personal details so they’re qualified in a real way. Franchise development people should only use lead sources that use that kind of filtering process, rather than some algorithm scraping a whole bunch of resumes and spitting out a thousand names.”
How strict is your filtering process? Are you using the best technology to become hyper efficient in your prospecting efforts?
FranchiseHelp has spent three decades innovating and iterating on our quiz filtration system. Back in the nineties, sadly, there were only a handful of lead generation portals in franchising. We saw an opportunity to become the first to introduce lead matching through quizzes.
By combining data science and automation, we were able to develop an innovative and personalized platform. One that helps franchise development professionals only focus on the leads that have the highest probability of closing.
Of course, our lead generation technology is merely one tool in your arsenal of sales solutions to help you run a lean and mean operation. Here are a few others to consider:
- Text Messaging. FranFunnel is the franchise industry’s first text messaging solution designed to make you more effective at qualifying prospects and scheduling appointments. Their platform sends a custom text message instantly, as soon as one of your new leads is submitted. Talk about speed to lead! You don’t even have to be awake to efficiently follow up with potential franchise owners. Sure beats trying to set appointments with leads manually on your cell phone in the middle of the night.
- Digital Discovery Days. PetWellClinic recently expanded to Florida in one of the biggest franchise deals of the year, announcing the signing of a 23 unit franchise development agreement. What’s interesting is, they did this entire deal during a pandemic, primarily virtually, using their video conference technology to connect prospective franchisees with existing franchisors and developers. Proving that you don’t even have to sit down next to a candidate in person to showcase value. That’s incredibly efficient, and if your brand isn’t offering that kind of digital, white glove service, you might be missing out.
These are the types of tools guaranteed to qualify, and in many cases disqualify, your franchise candidates early and often. Tech like this is fast, affordable, easy to use, and critical for tightening up your lead filtering process.
Sure beats an algorithm scraping a bunch of resumes and spitting out names!
Scott Ginsberg is Head of Content for FranchiseHelp. He actually enjoys answering robo calls in the middle of the night.
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