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Accessible Business Consultants
Need help evaluating different franchises? Do you want to speak to someone about financing options? If so complete the request form to speak to someone at Accessible Business Consultants. Accessible is a full service consulting firm specializing in assisting small to medium businesses and potential franchisees. Whether you need to design a business and marketing plan, prepare your accounting records, cash flow analysis, or just need a fresh pair of eyes for troubleshooting, Accessible Business Consultants can help prepare your company for the present and the future.
Facts & figures
A Strong Foundation in Small Business Loan Financing
Accessible Business Consultants was founded in 1976 to help businesses improve operations, increase sales and profitability and assist in presenting the proper presentations to help get small business loan financing through traditional lenders, investors, secondary lenders, venture capital companies and investment groups when traditional bank loans are not an option.
Many banks, investors, secondary lenders and venture capital companies send their clients to Accessible Business Consultants to utilize our knowledge and expertise to prepare the proper presentation and paperwork and return it to them so they understand the requirements and needs of the business. Having prepared many presentations over the years we have further developed our relationships to allow us to send our clients to them as well.
Our vision is to help small businesses get access to business loan financing by submitting a formal loan presentation that shows the viability of the company and its ability to succeed and prosper.