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Allstate Insurance Company - Northeast
Make sure your career is in Good Hands®. Work with Allstate. The nation's largest publicly held personal lines insurer. One of the most recognized brands in America since 1931. A Fortune® 100 company with over $99 billion in total assets.
Facts & figures
Become an Allstate Agent
Driven? Capitalistic? Empathetic?
Good. You're in the right place.
Make sure your career is in Good Hands. Work with Allstate.
The nation's largest publicly held personal lines insurer. One of the most recognized brands in America since 1931. A Fortune 100 company with over $99 billion in total assets.
Run Your Business
Allstate Agents enjoy a true economic interest in the book of business they write — a rare advantage in the insurance industry. That means you get a business to pass on...or all the economic benefits when you sell*. To ensure your success, you'll also be able to leverage:
- The Allstate Customer Information Center that provides after-hours support for your agency.
- Ongoing support from Allstate field professionals.
- Our full line of property, casualty and financial services products.
- One of the largest teams of centralized claims professionals in the country with 24/7 support.
- Marketing materials designed to help you generate revenue for your agency.
- A customizable company website to help drive clients to you
Your Choice
With Allstate, you have a choice. You can start a new agency or purchase an existing one. Either way, there are no royalty or franchise fees.
Allstate Agents go to market prepared. Not only does our education program provide a comprehensive foundation — it's free both to agents and their entire staff.
Allstate's 5-8 weeks of education includes products, technology, and sales techniques courses with professional educators at the regional office and home office with some courses offered online.
Ideal Candidate
We're looking for franchise/ business owners who are outgoing and have sales, marketing, and/or management experience, and who are results oriented. A person who can build relationships, lead a team, and who has the motivation to excel! You must have a minimum of $50k in liquid capital, and be ready to make a full-time commitment.