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Auto-Lab Diagnostic & Tune-Up Centers
Auto-Lab Diagnostic & Tune-Up Centers offer full service automotive repair facilities that address all aspects of auto service and repair. Gone are the days when a car could be fixed up in one's own driveway: in the current era of highly complex, computer-controlled automotive technology, Auto-Lab franchisees particularly specialize in diagnosing, tuning, and repairing the on-board computers and electrical control systems that determine performance of modern automobiles. Auto-Lab strives to be the affordable, reliable, highly skilled alternative to the local auto shop. Auto-Lab is seeking both totally new franchisees and conversions of existing automotive repair centers.
Facts & figures
The capital required to open a unit is $35,000. Auto-Lab Diagnostic & Tune-Up Centers expects new franchisees to have a net worth of at least $250,000. $110,000 is the minimum that someone opening a location should expect to invest. $175,000 is the maximum that someone opening a location should expect to invest. $19,500 is the franchise fee new franchisees pay the franchisor. There are currently 36 Auto-Lab Diagnostic & Tune-Up Centers units in operation.