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BIOSWEEP Service Provider
BIOSWEEP® is a local service provider offering innovative odor removal and air & surface decontamination services. All BIOSWEEP® Service Providers are factory-trained professionals who can assess and permanently eradicate any indoor odor within all indoor environments. BIOSWEEP® Service Providers also provide safe, cost-effective decontamination services for a wide range of pathogens including Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Clostridium difficile - more commonly known as C.diff, and fungi, fine particulate matter such as aerosols, smoke, fumes, dust, ash and pollen, and volatile organic compounds.
Facts & figures
About Us
BIOSWEEP is an innovative odor removal and indoor air and surface decontamination service. We do not use any chemicals and are considered a green technology. BIOSWEEP was developed by Phocatox Technologies and is the sole manufacturer. BIOSWEEP is used to permanently remove odors and disinfect or decontaminate indoor air and exposed surfaces contaminated from sources including:
- Viruses and bacteria.
- Molds and allergens.
- Chemicals and material offgasing (including meth lab cleanup).
- Sewage / Septic
- Bio-hazards such as trauma and crime scene cleanup
- Flooding
Products and Services
BIOSWEEP is different from anything currently on the market for odor remediation or air and surface decontamination. Your competition will consist primarily of ozone treatment, air filtration, or chemical fogging services. However, unlike the competition, our proprietary Phocatox technology is based on an advanced form of photocatalytic oxidation that is vastly superior, much more effective and time efficient.
Why BIOSWEEP Franchise?
BIOSWEEP franchisees determine their own local services rates and we will offer you practical guidelines based on our market research and field experience. As a BIOSWEEP franchisee you will receive a protected geographic territory ranging from 700,000 to 1.6 million in population.
The BIOSWEEP franchise is a mobile services business easily operated and managed by one person in the beginning. Our franchisees then add on technician-level employees as their business steadily grows.
Next Steps
The initial franchisee fee consists solely of the equipment purchase, consisting of the BIOSWEEP Model 900 machines and additional safety and monitoring equipment. Our franchisees initially purchase six BIOSWEEP Model 900's at a cost of $6,495 each. Average total investment necessary to begin operation of a BIOSWEEP franchise ranges from $56,000 to $70,000.
The start up for a new BIOSWEEP franchisee varies widely depending on the amount of time devoted to the business and your background and experience. Because the BIOSWEEP technology is fairly new, in-person cold calling (direct sales) on potential customers is essential to your success. Our most successful franchisees have found that "show and tell" presentations lead to high acceptance from potential customers.
BIOSWEEP™ Service Providers offer odor removal services including:
- Odor Identification & Source Location
- Site Evaluation including restoration options
- On-site Contents Restoration (upholstery, fabrics, clothing)
- BIOSWEEP™ permanent removal of all imbedded indoor odors from sources such as fire & water damage, tobacco, cooking, pet/urine, dead animal/skunk, trauma/crime scene/cleanup meth lab residual cleanup.
BIOSWEEP™ Service Providers can also provide air and surface decontamination and disinfection services for a wide range of pathogens impacting virtually any indoor environment including:
- Athletic Facilities - locker rooms, training/landing mats and equipment
- Cruise Ships/Riverboats
- Healthcare Facilities
- Hotel Rooms & Banquet/Meeting Facilities
- Office Space
- Restaurants & Commercial Kitchens
- Daycare, Schools, & Universities
BIOSWEEP™ technology is based on a highly advanced form of the established science of photocatalytic oxidation. This technology, packaged into portable equipment, offers the ability to provide a rapid, one-step, residual-free service for odor and contaminant removal not practically available until now.
Complete BIOSWEEP™ Franchise Training and Certification
Phocatox is committed to assuring the highest level of customer satisfaction through the effective and safe use of BIOSWEEP™ technology. Our comprehensive orientation and field training program certifies Service Providers in proper BIOSWEEP™ operations. Each Service Provider receives a written copy of the BIOSWEEP™ OPERATIONS MANUAL. Backup Electronic copies may be downloaded in the secure Service Provider section of our website. This comprehensive manual provides step-by-step, detailed instructions for successful field operations.
Our prerequisite BIOSWEEP™ training may be conducted in the new Service Provider's territory or at another regional Service Provider's location, and is included at no additional cost.
Franchise Training Sections Include:
- Residential and Commercial Building Procedures
- Apartment Procedures
- Contents (personal property) Restoration Procedures
- Vehicle Procedures (Auto, RV, Truck, Bus)
- Marketing Strategies
- Safety & Regulatory Compliance
- Equipment Maintenance & Repair