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Imagine opening your mailbox on your birthday and finding valuable gift cards from the best restaurants, day spas, jewelry stores and gift shops in your home town...That's BirthdayPak!
Facts & figures

Celebrating Birthdays is Good Business!
BirthdayPak is an award-winning marketing platform that brings local upscale businesses together with their best customers. Through a powerful convergence of personalized direct mail and cutting edge digital marketing techniques, BirthdayPak effectively creates first time engagements with upscale businesses and an exclusive group of affluent consumers.
BirthdayPak is the perfect opportunity for a seasoned Sales and Marketing professional who wants to develop their own business with the support of a proven brand to back them up. BirthdayPak is no ordinary direct mail franchise!

Freedom to be Flexible
BirthdayPak Franchise owners have the flexibility to create a schedule that works for their family and lifestyle...essentially, they are their own boss. It is up to them to get the job done and they choose how to go about it.
Proven to be Successful
Owning a BirthdayPak Franchise wouldn’t be possible if BirthdayPak Franchising USA hadn't already done all of the heavy lifting proving out the model. When companies like BirthdayPak offer franchise opportunities, they’re offering a business model that has seen proven success. The BirthdayPak brand has already been established and processes are in place. In addition, BirthdayPak is equipped to provide their franchisees with the right tools and resources needed to succeed. When the franchisee succeeds, BirthdayPak succeeds. It really is a win-win situation.
Ongoing Support
BirthdayPak Franchise owners have the freedom of owning their own business, but they have a built-in support system that prevents them from being completely on their own. BirthdayPak provides ongoing support and guidance to help make sure their franchisees succeed. But at the same time, BirthdayPak Franchisees are given opportunities to think outside the box and apply their own skills and problem solving abilities while they run their business.
You're in Charge
Outside of the BirthdayPak brand guidelines, BirthdayPak Franchisees control their brand and create their own success. They choose their team members and create their own internal culture. They set their goals and exercise the creativity needed to attain those goals...they are in charge!
Happy Birthday!
Last but not least, as a BirthdayPak Franchisee, you get to send birthday wishes to thousands of members in your immediate community each month while helping local businesses achieve their business really can't have much more fun than that!
BirthdayPak Operates Coast to Coast

BirthdayPak awards franchises to the most qualified individuals based on a number of factors. Our system is proven and we are looking for the right partners to share our vision! Is it you?

- Unique direct mail franchise that offers gift certificate packets customized to birthday recipients
- BirthdayPak packages feature restaurant, spa, salon and other gifts specific to affluent women
- Distinct from coupon packet direct mailing franchises because BirthdayPak offers gift cards instead of coupons
- FranchiseHelp Top 20 Franchise, Top Emerging, and Fastest Growing award winner in 2019
- Franchisees are paid by businesses in your territory for including their gift card products
- Franchisees who seek a work-from-home, flexible franchise model
- Someone who enjoys providing attractive gift packages for women
- People who are knowledgeable of women’s gift products and ideas
- Partner with businesses in your territory to compile birthday package gift cards
- Promote and market the BirthdayPak brand to build a steady clientele
- Assemble gift packages and distribute to recipient clients