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Business Development Centers
Franchise Consultant with over 32 years of franchise consultant experience. Professional franchise business consultant will help you franchise your business. Free franchising advice and free consultation. You can expand your market and make more profits by franchising. Over 30 years franchise consultant experience with major franchising operations. Not every business should be franchised. For those companies there is a less complex, and far less expensive method to expand market share and profits. As your franchise consultant, our goal is to make business expansion available to the average business. We understand the small business person and are willing to work with companies that need to grow with a very limited budget. This concern for the struggling business is what drives our company.
Facts & figures
Franchise Your Business for Only $955!
Powerful Solutions for Business As we go into the new millennium, you as a business owner must recognize that times have changed. Look around you - count the businesses that are chains, and those that are not. Also notice which ones are the busiest. This will tell you what we mean. Competition is too keen for you to be complacent. You must be aggressive, decisive, and willing to grow in order to survive today. We are not saying you have to build a gigantic national company. Just think of the income that could be produced if you had 10, 25, 50 or more outlets doing exactly what you are doing - and pay YOU royalties for it.
Expansion is a necessary part of owning a business. Just as you provide necessities for your home, family and every other aspect of your life, you also must provide for your business growth. We speak and counsel hundred's of business people each year and, surprisingly, the number that under estimate their business and do not have a vision for the future is staggering. Most fail to realize the very importance of increasing their business - short term and long term.
By expansion, we primarily mean, "exposing your business to thousands of more customers". The size to which your business actually gets is relative to this and is the motivating factor and PURPOSE of any expansion plan. With that in mind, you must realize the urgency of providing for growth. At least one of your competitors will! By us lowering the cost of business growth, it is foolish not to!
Quite frankly, if you are to succeed in business, you must be able to compete. With our methods, the cost of expansion is not a factor anymore. Today almost any business can expand through Franchising, Licensing, or Distributorships with very little cost. If you were going to invest a large amount, then hesitation would be due. However, when you can expand with just a few hundred dollars, then, why not? You are usually profitable with the first additional outlet.
Affordable Excellence Our company goal is to make business expansion available to the average business. We know from experience how difficult it is to find people that understand the small businessperson and are willing to work with companies that need to grow with a very limited budget. This concern for the struggling business is what drives our company.
Our program is designed to give small businesses an alternative to cut through the high cost of expansion and at the same time, providing experienced personal service. You will receive the best in knowledge and expertise.
We will perform all the functions to fully franchise your business for less than you will find anywhere. We do ALL of this with our LOW FEES. Starting at only $995, you can propel your business beyond any expectations.
Our Guarantee is the fairest available. Under our guarantee you PAY AFTER COMPLETION! How our "Pay After Completion" works is that you post-date your check 30 days ahead; we will not and positively do not deposit your check for at least 30 days. This gives plenty of time to see if we live up to our word, and if not, simply stop payment on your check. You are out nothing!
Our Qualifications Our President is a graduate of Columbia University and past CEO of a national franchise with 25 years franchising experience including state regulations, Federal regulations, sales, operations, and implementations. We have prepared extensive management courses for AMA as well as conducted training courses for many Fortune 500 companies.
A past FTC Attorney with vast experience in the Business Opportunity Enforcement field for the FTC. His duties included enforcement, prosecution, and supervision of business statutes and laws. He now serves as General Counsel and provides legal services to our clients and us.
Over 25 Business Opportunity Sales Agents located all over the US and Europe. These sales agents provide national marketing coverage for your company growth.
The REAL Cost of Expansion Franchising No Longer Cost $25,000 and Up... See our prices below! Quite a few of our franchising clients have told us that they are astonished at the quality and the promptness that their package was produced. We have a large client base for you to speak with to satisfy your own mind. The fact is simply that with 25 years franchising experience, we know exactly what to do and how to do it. The average cost of us franchising your business (in a non- registration state) is as follows:
- The choice of the best growth strategy
- Preparation of all disclosure documents, or
- Preparation of Franchise Offering Circular - UFOC
- Preparation of Franchise Agreement or
- Distributor Agreement
FULL FRANCHISE PACKAGE: $2495 TO $6495 Includes all items in basic package plus:
- Design & write your Brochures, Information Packages
- Continued assistance in the promotion of your Franchise, distributorship, or licenses. (Newspaper articles, magazines, etc)
- Continued advertising assistance and guidance as to where and when to advertise, and assist in preparation of advertisements
- Continued support on any topic related to Franchising, licensing, etc
- Assistance on solving any issue with any Franchise or distributor
- Advisory role for any growth strategies or business plans to be undertaken
- Assistance for implementing and structuring of your franchise organization
- 24 hour 7 days a week "On Call" status
- State filings for any required states
- Assistance in planning your operational systems
- Continued assistance in the sales of Franchises or distributors
- Assistance with any operational manuals, etc
With the Full Package you ALSO GET:
- Franchising Sales guide and manual: Written by us to guide you in selling and managing your franchises.
- All Forms and Procedures needed for outlet reporting and management.
ALSO YOU CAN PAY AFTER COMPLETION! We realize that doing business over the Internet makes some people uneasy. We have solved that problem in one of two ways; check our references or better still, PAY AFTER COMPLETION!
How our "Pay After Completion" works is that you post-date your check 30 days ahead; we will not and positively do not deposit your check for at least 30 days. This gives plenty of time to see if we live up to our word, and if not, simply stop payment on your check. You are out nothing!