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Cafe Fondue
Cafe Fondue offers a unique dining experience in which guests, can relax and enjoy the European atmosphere, friendly service and an unforgettable taste experience. At Cafe Fondue quality service and customer satisfaction are the primary objectives. Cafe Fondue was founded by Jae and Glenn Ford, in Merrillville, IN in 1997. Jae who had lived in Europe for over 12 years, had a passion to enable those who have had fondue while in Europe, to once again remember the ambience and taste experience back in the States. She also believed that others would appreciate fondue as it was meant to be served and enjoyed. Since opening in 1997 Cafe Fondue has expanded its menu to over 36 selections, and is continuing to evaluate new additions to their menu.
Facts & figures
You'll need $130,000 in liquid capital to open a Cafe Fondue. New Cafe Fondue franchisees need to have at least a $300,000 net worth. The minimum you would expect to invest in a Cafe Fondue location is $136,000. $307,000 is the most that Cafe Fondue expects its owners will need to invest in a new location. The franchise fee to open a Cafe Fondue unit is $35,000.