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Creative Tutors has been providing customized, in-home, one-on-one tutoring since 1999. The company is dedicated to helping all children build their educational foundation by achieving success in the classroom. Creative Tutors provides tutoring services that are not dependent on a set curriculum or delivered in a standard classroom facility. Their focus is on offering expert, one-on-one assistance tailored to the specific needs of each child on their family's schedule and at the location of their choice.
Facts & figures
$35,000 is required in available capital if you want to become a franchisee. New Creative franchisees need to have at least a $70,000 net worth. The lowest you can expect to invest is $35,000 if you want to become a franchisee. The high end of the total investment required to open a franchise is $300,000. The franchise fee to open a Creative unit is $12,000. In total, there are 10 units of this franchise open today.