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Frontier Adjusters
Independent claims adjusters join the Frontier Adjusters network to earn business and referrals. All claims adjusters must be able to handle casualty and property insurance issues, tackling an average of 150,000 assignments each year. Some of the services Frontier Adjusters network members provide include property estimates, vehicle appraisals, catastrophe evaluations, and complex casualty claims. When customers turn to Frontier Adjusters for a referral, they can have the confidence that the claim adjuster they are assigned to is an expert in the field and will provide honest, quality work.
Facts & figures
Individuals who join the Frontier Adjusters network must have at least five years of experience in the industry, though many have significantly more years of expertise than that. Frontier Adjusters offers its members the freedom to maintain their own independent practice, while having marketing and administrative support, as well as nice amount of customer referrals. Claims adjusters must undergo a thorough background check before joining the Frontier Adjusters network.
Frontier Adjusters Franchise Opportunities - History
Frontier Adjusters joined the insurance industry in 1957. Since then, the business became a large-sized network, featuring more than 750 franchised offices.
Frontier Adjusters Franchise Cost / Initial Investment / Frontier
Adjusters Franchise Income
Frontier Adjusters has a franchise fee of $5,000, although the total initial investment ranges between $6,680 and $20,130. Though a commission fee applies on the business Frontier Adjusters refers to its members, the amount is not specified. As all referrals are made electronically, Frontier Adjusters is able to bill the appropriate amount easily and efficiently.
Frontier Adjusters Business Opportunities: Other Information
Frontier Adjusters run a call center at the corporate headquarters in Phoenix, which accepts calls from potential customers 24 hours per day. Trained operators input claims requests and information into the computer, and the software allows franchises in the particular area to accept the assignments. Frontier Adjusters honors a territory system so that its members are not competing with each other for business. Therefore, claims adjusters looking to join the network are restricted by the areas that are currently available.