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Gateway Cigar Store / Newstands
Gateway Newstands are specialists; their only business is to serve the daily merchandise needs of premiers commercial, retail and transit developments. Gateway Newstands has established itself as the leading national tobacco/news store specialist. The principals of the company have an aggregate sum of 43 years of experience in the industry. The Service Store Concept developed as a direct result of the company's analysis of traffic count studies and its identification and emphasis on the daily needs of a diverse variety of shoppers. The merchandise mix is formulated specifically to cater to the everyday needs and impulse sales of today's busy consumers.
Facts & figures
Gateway Newsstands was founded in 1983 by Michael Aychental and David Goldman, who started franchising the concept the same year. A family-owned and -operated partnership based in Canada, Gateway has grown to more than 300 stores in North America, including locations in Toronto, New York and Chicago. Gateway emphasizes a hands-on business approach, putting a franchise owner in each of its locations. Franchisees work from kiosks or stores in large office buildings, selling snacks, drinks, candy, cards, tobacco, reading material, lottery tickets and other impulse buys. Open from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Gateway stores have less demanding working hours than most convenience stores.