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Heartbeat Christian News
Heartbeat Christian News a monthly, independent Christian newspaper whose mission statement is to help ALL Christians. The newspaper is an 11" x 17", full color, free publication that runs 16 - 20 pages. It is an excellent advertising venue for advertisers with outstanding print quality.
Facts & figures
Heatbeat Christian News
Good News For The Soul
About Us
Heartbeat Christian News is a verified work of the Lord with many signs and miracles. We started in 2012 with no budget as a quarterly publication selling ads for $10 a month. God instilled in me about 8 years ago to take this newspaper nationwide. Eventually gave me the method as franchising. Miraculously made a way for us to become a franchise in May 2024. We have been monthly for 5.5 years as of October 2019. We are independent Christian news to help ALL Christians regardless of where they go to church or how they profess to believe.

Why Choose Us?
- No experience necessary
- Work from home
- Flexible Schedule
- One of the Lowest Cost Franchises in America
- Christianity not required
- Complete training and support provided
- Quick start-up: Start generating income in less than 30 days after becoming a franchisee.
- Best reason: It is an ordained work of the Lord and God is going to bless everyone of our franchisees mightily.

Training and Support
We offer our franchise owners complete training in sales and distribution with our proven methods. We will constantly pray for you. We offer support in closing deals as well as regular Zoom meetings for trainings. We also provide ideas for improving all aspects of your business and will listen to your ideas for making this newspaper better and/or the franchise operations. We offer onsite training to get you off to a great start and 24/7 phone support to ensure your continued success.

- Christian Heartbeat News is a Monthly newspaper whose mission is to help ALL Christians
- Christian Heartbeat news focuses on spreading Christian values and providing news that aligns with biblical principals
- Franchisees can positively impact lives while running a business that shares God's message
- Selling advertising for digital and printed publications
- Christian entrepreneurs
- Christian realtors
- Any Christian business owner who wants to add a profitable advertising franchise to their existing business
- Sell advertising
- Distribute Heartbeat Christian News
- Promote their advertisers in every way possible