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L&L Franchise, Inc., the parent company of L&L Drive-Inn and L&L Hawaiian Barbecue has expanded across Hawaii and United States to include over 200 locations serving the best in Hawaiian Barbecue(SM) Hawaiian style cuisine. The company's approach in providing great food and Aloha spirit has been well received by many throughout the United States. The franchise continues to grow at a rate of one store per week with locations in Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Washington, and New York!
Facts & figures
$35,000 is required in available capital if you want to become a franchisee. The lowest you can expect to invest is $254,300 if you want to become a franchisee. $525,400 is the most that L&L expects its owners will need to invest in a new location. New franchisees pay L&L a franchise fee of $35,000. There is currently a total of 170 units in operation.