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Mail Post
"Mail Post" offers big benefits without the big price tag. You can be a business owner with the flexibility to use your own ingenuity and creativity to run your own business. This is why we have decided to build our own chain of independently owned "Mail Post" franchise stores. Essentially, there are two types of shipping stores. Independently owned, and large franchise chain stores. The larger chain stores are very strict about how their business is run, how it looks and what services you can offer. Additionally, being part of a large chain usually requires large capital investment, and can range up to hundreds of thousands of dollars just to start your business. Our goal is to make owning a business and succeeding in that business available and affordable to anyone who has the desire and energy to do so. We say, if you can afford to buy a new car, you can open a "Mail Post" store and have your own business.
Facts & figures
Why would anyone pay around $250,000 dollars or more for what they can achieve with approximately $55,000 total?
Thank you for your interest in joining the "MAIL POST" family! As part of our "MAIL POST" family team, you will be given the knowledge that we have gained from owning and operating our own shipping businesses.
Our Goal!
"Mail Post" offers big benefits without the big price tag. You can be a business owner with the flexibility to use your own ingenuity and creativity to run your own business. This is why we have decided to build our own chain of independently owned "Mail Post" franchise stores. Essentially, there are two types of shipping stores. Independently owned, and large franchise chain stores. The larger chain stores are very strict about how their business is run, how it looks and what services you can offer. Additionally, being part of a large chain usually requires large capital investment, and can range up to hundreds of thousands of dollars just to start your business. Our goal is to make owning a business and succeeding in that business available and affordable to anyone who has the desire and energy to do so.
We say, if you can afford to buy a new car, you can open a "Mail Post" store and have your own business.
It's Your Business.
With "Mail Post" you have uncommon flexibility in how you operate your business. Using our "footprint" as a template you can use your creativity and ideas and make your store your business. One should have fun when in business for yourself. No one likes to be told how and what to do with your business. It isn't long before you start feeling like you are just running the business for the parent company and it doesn't feel like your own. "Mail Post" will never be like that. Do not underestimate the amount of work you will put into your business everyday however it is worth it to realize a dream of owning a successful business. If it was easy, everyone would do it. Because it does require a lot of hard work only the few who have the energy, initiative, desire, drive and courage take the next step to realize their dream.
We cannot and do not guarantee that you will be able to offer every shipping service available, we can assure you that we will assist you in becoming authorized shipping agents with all the major carriers, and will do everything possible to help you to offer all of the services that you wish to offer in your store. Our stores offer: UPS, FedEx, DHL and USPS shippers as well as offering Private Mailboxes, Stamps, Business Cards, Printing, Copying and Faxing and many other services, you have the ability to offer any service you wish to within the limits of legality.
Why "Mail Post" over other franchises?
- A Family business atmosphere and attitude.
- Customer oriented services such as our pick-up service.
- We are constantly developing new Ideas and services that cater to our customers needs.
- Lowest initial investment required in the industry.
- Minimal "Royalty fees" for the duration of the franchise. With "Mail Post" you pay a flat royalty fee for the first 4 years and a very small association fee after that. So in 4 short years your "Royalty Fees" are finished and your store is truly yours. The flexibility that you will enjoy with "Mail Post". Your store will be your store and you get to run it in your own way, with just a few guidelines from us.
- Continuing support, guidance, and assistance from the caring, professional "Mail Post" staff. We are here for you, to help you to succeed for the duration of your term as a "Mail Post" franchisee. Your success is extremely important to us. We cannot succeed if you don't.
- The very best in Customer Service
- A Trademark logo for product and name recognition.
If your time horizon is greater than six months, please contact us in the future, when you become closer to the point of committing to becoming a MailPost owner.