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Marad Fine Art
Marad Fine Art has brought the world's greatest artwork to the places where we work and live. They've built a loyal customer following among commercial art buyers and decorators, and a reputation for vast selection, personal service and convenience. Helping to fuel the demand for quality artwork are commercial art buyers and decorators who may buy dozens or even hundreds of art pieces at a time for their properties. Marad Fine Art meets the specialized needs of commercial art buyers. As a Marad Fine Art franchise owner, investors will be in the art business themselves, helping those customers to purchase art. The Marad Fine Art franchise is a business that can start-up and run from home that's designed for efficiency and simplicity.
Facts & figures
The franchisor sells franchises for the operation of businesses that sell art reproductions, matted and framed, to businesses such as law firms, accounting firms, corporate offices and to institutions like nursing homes and hospitals.
The franchisee must operate his/her franchise within a territory described in the Franchise Agreement. The franchisee must operate the franchise from their home or from a specific office within that territory and may not relocate without the franchisor’s written permission. The franchisee’s typical boundaries are states, county division, and major highways, although there might be occasions where other boundaries are more suitable to identify the territory.