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Own your own consulting business providing capital and services to businesses worldwide! Training and support from a private equity firm and leading small start-up business consulting firm. We provide capital and can finance your tuition!
Facts & figures
Own Your Own Consulting Business providing capital and services to businesses worldwide
Acer Capital Group is a leading global private equity group that provides capital quickly to its clients. We support our partner, Capital First Investors Group, and the training and mentoring program they have created that puts you in a successful business immediately. You can work from your home or small office and have all the tools and support for great success.
Training Includes:
- 10 modules via webinar
- Live one-on-one coaching
- A personal mentor
- 3 day live training- audit free every month
- Tele-Coaching weekly
- Qualified Leads – businesses who need your help
- Automated rating system to immediately determine that lead’s viability
- Full software package
- Website design
- Marketing plan
- Strategic plan
- Access to all the capital your client needs
You can build your wealth by:
- Earning fees by consulting businesses at any level and providing them the capital they need – Mid six figure opportunity
- Acquiring ownership in businesses, real estate, assets for long term growth
- Wholesaling projects you control with the capital you have available