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San Francisco Sourdough Eatery
San Francisco Style Sourdough Eatery features world famous Sourdough bread. Served warm, their deli style sandwiches are made of the highest quality and freshest ingredients. Most of their meats are 95% Fat Free. Combined with their specially blended spread, they have developed a sandwich taste that is unique and that has been proven successful in their families sourdough eateries for over 30 years. The market for sandwiches is booming, and the opportunity is available to continue their success. Each day their sandwiches, soups, and salads are prepared fresh.
Facts & figures
$50,000 is required in available capital if you want to become a franchisee. $250,000 is the minimum net worth required to open a location. $139,300 is the minimum that someone opening a location should expect to invest. The most the franchisor could ask you to invest is $276,000 if you want to become a franchisee. New franchisees pay San Francisco Sourdough Eatery a franchise fee of $20,000. There are currently 10 San Francisco Sourdough Eatery units in operation.