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The Christmas Lady
"RENT" Christmas Decorations to hotels, banks, & offices. They'll pay YOU a fortune for YOUR decorations. Clients don't have the time, talent or space but they do NEED this service to look professional. Best part, there's NO competition! Check the yellow pages. There's NO COMPETITION! ! ! Christmas starts NOW. Work 2 months a year, and make more than a FULL time job.
Facts & figures
- Only $2500.00
- 30 Years in Business
- No Royalties
- 800+ Members Worldwide
- "AAA" Rating with the BBB!
The Christmas Lady "Seasonal Residual Income"
"RENT" Christmas Decorations to hotels, banks, & offices. They'll pay YOU a fortune for YOUR decorations. Clients don't have the time, talent or space but they do NEED this service to look professional. Best part, there's NO competition! Check the yellow pages.
There's NO COMPETITION! ! ! Christmas starts NOW. Work 2 months a year, and make more than a FULL time job.
When you "RENT CHRISTMAS", they will ask you to RENT them plants after the holidays, and if you RENT the plants, they will want you to RENT Christmas too = Two great business programs separately or together to fit any job or lifestyle.
We now include our amazing "Click and Drag" software program in the purchase price to practice creativity and show clients at a single glance what you can do for them. This software program will sell itself, $10,000 software included for free. Plus hand embroidered aprons and matching baseball caps to complete the image. FUN, FUN, FUN too!
The Christmas Lady is only $2500. We return every phone call, fax or email every day, you will never receive an automated response. This is a real business for people who want to succeed in an honorable wonderful quality business. We worked very hard for our "AAA" rating with the BBB of America.
HONESTY, INTEGRITY, LONG TERM SUCCESS, 800 SUCCESSFUL MEMBERS WORLDWIDE, "AAA" RATING WITH THE BBB. All for only $2500.00. You'll have the time and the money to enjoy life with your own business. Our website could change your life!
Life is Too Short to Work for Someone Else!
See our sister concept: The Plant Lady. Plants & Christmas gets you twice as many accounts twice as fast! The Plant Business is only $2500.00 Christmas is only $2500 or join Both programs for only $4500.00. Each year we also offer a "Business Forward" seminar with. "One on One" personal training from the owner, her staff, and successful members, at their headquarters in San Luis Obispo, California. Come Join US!
Your'e Going to Love Our Business!!! "Our website could change your life!"