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Tutor Time
Tutor Time is a child care center that goes beyond babysitting children and uses the time to educate them instead. Although education is the emphasis, the daycare does not come at the expense of a secure, nurturing environment. Parents can sign up their children, ranging in age from infant to 12 years old, for either fulltime or part-time daycare. Tutor Time uses its own branded Tutor Time LifeSmart curriculum, custom designed to build skills and foster creativity and imagination amongst young children. The program is easily adaptable to fit each child’s strengths and needs, and teaches important life skills such as reading, writing, math, physical activity, art, music, environment, teamwork, and leadership.
Facts & figures
Tutor Time is a privately held child care company that began franchising in 1989. One third of franchisees own more than one location. While the majority of franchises are operated by the franchisees, absentee ownership is permitted.
Tutor Time Franchise Opportunities - History
Founded in Florida in 1988, Tutor Time has expanded to franchise with more than 200 daycare centers. They are located primarily in the United States, but can also be found in Hong Kong, Indonesia, and Portugal, as well. In 2002, Learning Care Group Inc., one of the leading education and child care service providers in the country, purchased Tutor Time and became its parent company.
Tutor Time Franchise Cost / Initial Investment / Tutor Time Franchise
Tutor Time has a franchise fee of $110,000 for a 15 year renewable agreement. The total initial investment ranges from $382,000 to $2,700,000. Tutor Time also requires a royalty fee of 6% on all sales. Franchisees must have a net worth that exceeds $500,000, with $100,000 of that available in liquid assets.
Tutor Time Business Opportunities: Other Information
Each Tutor Time Center requires a staff of at least 15 people to ensure a low teacher to student ratio. The teachers are essential to Tutor Time’s success, as their commitment to caring for children and sharing their love of education is what makes the business – and kids – thrive.