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Wingstop Restaurants
Wingstop was founded in 1994 and since then has won the Buffalo Wing Festival 3 times in a row. With their signature wings that are made fresh when you order and side dishes, Wingstop is ranked #1 by Entrepreneur Magazine for best wing franchise. Wingstop has over 600 locations in 27 states. You don't have to have the experience to run the franchise, you will be provided with complete training and support to ensure your success. More about the cost of owning a Wingstop Restaurant franchise is below.
Facts & figures
₱600,000 is required in available capital if you want to become a Wingstop Restaurant franchisee. The franchise expects its new franchisees to have a net worth of at least ₱1,200,000. The ongoing royalty for Wingstop Restaurants is 6%. The minimum you would expect to invest in a Wingstop Restaurant location is ₱347,600. The high end of the total investment required to open a Wingstop Restaurant franchise is ₱759,100. New franchisees can expect to pay a ₱20,000 franchise fee for the rights to open their own location. Wingstop Restaurants was established in 1994. Franchising as a means of location growth started in 1998. Today, the location count for this franchise has reached 1624.