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Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!
Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!

Lead Generation Resource Center

People are desperate to find information about opening one of your franchises online. It's time to successfully turn them into franchisees.

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Posts tagged with "abtest"

Text Message Copy Testing – We Finally Did It

In the past we’ve written about how important the concept of continuous innovation is to the technology business. Other industries may have the luxury of resting on yesterday’s solutions, but the technology sector moves too fast to ever have that attitude and succeed.

My Ideal A/B Test (That I Can’t Run But You Can)

It seems that a day doesn’t go by that two of us aren't vigorously arguing the merits of each, comparing and contrasting strategies that pit these two forms of communication against each other.

Branded Search for Franchises – The First Adwords You Should Buy

As I thought about it, I Googled his franchise and was met with a very troubling finding. When you searched for “fresh u franchise,” you weren’t met with any results relative to Fresh U.

A Split Test That Shows The Power of One Word

For part of our franchise selection experience, we use a selection button as one of our calls to action. Essentially for a user to select one of the franchises on our category pages, they must click a button:

Five Terrible Franchising Display Ads and One That Worked

For those of you who have been in the internet game for a long time, you know way more than I do about display ads. It seems that as long as people have been clicking around the internet, there have been advertisements ready to meet them. Anyone remember when banner ads used to look something like this?

An A/B Test That Shows the Value of Color

For part of our franchise selection experience, we use a “jumper” as one of our calls to action. Essentially when a user selects one of the franchises on our category pages, a bar “jumps” down from the top of the page to ask them to take them to a lead form:

What is Split (A/B) Testing?

Split Testing or A/B Testing or Multivariate testing (doesn’t really matter which term you use, they all mean the same thing) is one way for a franchise to figure out how to best design their website or test any strategy for that matter.