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Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!
Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!

The First Two Franchise Instagram Ads You’ll Ever See

Back at the beginning of June, Instagram announced that they were finally ready to serve ads to their users. We wrote a quick-fire response to this news which you can find here:

Well, four months later, Instagram has finally allowed access to all advertisers. And of course FranchiseHelp is on the cutting edge of the new platform. So without further ado, here are our first two franchise lead generation ads on Instagram:

FranchiseHelp Instagram Ad #1
FranchiseHelp Instagram Ad #2

While we are incredibly new to the mobile photo app advertising game, here’s a few principles we used to create the ads:

  • Eye Catching Images – You have to stand out against all the other photos people are scrolling through. Is that a man eating a fish?
  • Learn More Button – People hate learning and very rarely elect to learn. So using “Learn Now” actually limits our clicks to people who are serious.

As a point of comparison, here’s the full list of CTAs that Instagram offers

Instagram CTA Options
  • “You” Copy – Basic copywriting advice. Always make the marketing material about the person reading it.

Next time you’re scrolling through your Instagram, keep your eye out for the FranchiseHelp ads. We may be the first ones to the party, but it’s only the beginning of an ad platform that will be around for years and years to come.

Interested in finding out how FranchiseHelp can generate leads for your franchise, click here!

Call my franchise leads at 11PM? What?

However, beyond that, the question remains about what time of day leads are most likely to respond.

What sitting in a hallway, real estate, and Facebook ads have in common

The past few days, FranchiseHelp had the pleasure of attending the 6th Annual International Franchise Brokers Conference and Expo. As part of our attendance, we were invited to exhibit in the hallway right outside of the exhibition hall. (Franchises that work directly with the brokers were invited to sit in the hall itself.)

Franchise Hope: How Perspire Sauna Studio Uses Heat, Sweat & Hospitality to Weather the Economic Downturn

Perspire has set the standard for infrared saunas in their communities in a friendly, comfortable, spa like atmosphere centered around hospitality and of course, sweat. Let's find out how they did it!