What is a click really? Think about trying to explain the concept of a click
to your great-grandparents? If anyone has a good definition for a click, make
sure to let me know.
However, as curiosity never rests around here, I decided to take it a step
further and look at the same question over the course of a week and a month.
The past few days, FranchiseHelp
had the pleasure of attending the 6th Annual International Franchise Brokers
Conference and Expo. As part of our attendance, we were invited to exhibit in
the hallway right outside of the exhibition hall. (Franchises that work
directly with the brokers were invited to sit in the hall itself.)
As I thought about it, I Googled his franchise and was met with a very
troubling finding. When you searched for “fresh u franchise,” you weren’t met
with any results relative to Fresh U.
For those of you who have been in the internet game for a long time, you know
way more than I do about display ads. It seems that as long as people have
been clicking around the internet, there have been advertisements ready to
meet them. Anyone remember when banner ads used to look something like this?