For those of you who have followed the lead generation resource center since
its inception, you’ll realize that we’re almost 18 months into this awesome
experiment. We certainly appreciate your avid readership, as it inspires us to
cover all the latest in online franchise lead generation.
Back to your question about “success,” that will have a different answer for
every web page. Success is ultimately whatever action you want a visitor to
take. It can range from providing contact information to placing an order to
reading an article.
It’s 4PM on Christmas Eve, 2015. The FranchiseHelp offices are technically
closed, but I decided to stick around NYC this year. So here I am with an
empty office.
Since then, I’ve received lots of positive and negative feedback on that
article. Some people seem to think that I undersold my point, while others
pointed to the fact that overall interest may be waning but interest amongst
the most important groups was increasing.
It’s the middle of November, so that means that FranchiseHelp is continually
getting one of my favorite inquiries: How do the holidays affect franchise
lead gen?
In the past we’ve written about how important the concept of continuous
innovation is to the technology business. Other industries may have the luxury
of resting on yesterday’s solutions, but the technology sector moves too fast
to ever have that attitude and succeed.