Lead generation resource center

People are desperate to find information about opening one of your franchises online. It's time to successfully turn them into franchisees.

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Should My Franchise Advertise On Linkedin?

While the entire thing may appear as gobbledygook to most, essentially Scott is trying to give a single snapshot of all of the major players in the online marketing space. As you’ll see, he breaks down the landscape into categories such as “Experiences,” “Operations,” “Platforms” and more.

The Death of "Franchising"

Before we get to the meat of today's topic, let’s play a quick game of word association. I’ll say (write) a word, and then you say (think) the first things that come to your mind.

How We Know Our Franchise Matching Quiz Is Working

If you’ve perused FranchiseHelp in the past 9 months, you’ve noticed a bit of a change in some of the ways that we acquire leads.

Why don’t more people open my franchise’s emails? (And how to change that…)

For those of us that are familiar with the world of email marketing, you’ll know that the question posed in the title of this post is one that you ask yourself quite frequently. No matter how successful your email campaigns are, you always want to know how to reach more people on your list.

Instagram Ads For Franchises (Some Early Pros and Cons)

For those of you who have been around the internet for the past 20 years, you’ll be able to remember what it was like to see it evolve.

What Your Franchise Category Tells You About Digital Marketing

The assumption is that all potential franchisees in the big wide world in the Internet conjure the same mental image when they hear “franchise” or “franchising.” Obviously there a lot of people on the Internet, and a lot of different interpretations of any word, so how do you cover all of your bases? A good person to first appeal to is your average consumer, meet “Bob.”

Why are people interested in opening franchises? (It's pretty simple, actually...)

For example, a “car guy” is far more likely to want to open an automotive franchise than a tutoring franchise.

“Call Me” Has Turned to “Text Me” for Franchisees

Last July, FranchiseHelp began its first experiment with text messages as a means of communicating with potential franchisees. The findings from those tests will transform franchise sales and development.

Mobilegeddon for Franchises

Depending on what you were doing in February 2011, it’s possible that Google Panda is a four letter word around your office.